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New Life Women's Health & Infertility of North Texas

Gynecology   Fertility Care    NaPro Technology    TruDOSE Platelet Therapy

Platelet Therapy has been a breakthrough in the stimulation and acceleration of bone and soft tissue healing. It represents a relatively new biotechnology that is part of the growing interest in tissue engineering and cellular therapy today. Because of its newness, there is a potential for misunderstanding, misuse, and application of what the practitioner may incorrectly think is Platelet Therapy. What is Platelet Therapy? Platelet Therapy is just that; it is a volume of autologous plasma that has a platelet concentration above baseline. Normal platelet counts in blood range between 150,000 /µI and 350,000/µl and average about 200,000 /µI. Because the scientific proof of bone and soft tissue healing enhancement has been shown using Platelet Therapy with 1,000,000 platelets/µ!, it is this concentration of platelets in a 5-ml volume of plasma which is the working definition of Platelet Therapy today. Lesser concentrations cannot be relied upon to enhance wound healing, and greater concentrations have not yet been shown to further enhance wound healing. Dr. Jones only uses TruDOSE Regenerative Technology to deliver a minimum 1,500,000 platelets/µI to all of our treatments. TruDOSE is a point of care platform, developed by Bridging Biosciences, that utilizes artificial intelligence powered software to customize the PRP treatment to the unique biologic needs of each patient. Because Platelet Therapy is developed from autologous blood, it is inherently safe and is free from transmissible diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Within Platelet Therapy, the increased number of platelets delivers an increased number of growth factors to the surgical area. The seven known growth factors in Platelet Therapy are: platelet derived growth factor as (PDGFaa), PDGFbb, PDGFab, transforming growth factor beta-, (TGF-b,), TGF- b 2. vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and epithelial growth factor (EGF). These are native growth factors in their biologically determined ratios. What can Platelet Therapy treat? Stress urinary incontinence. Inadequate arousal to achieve orgasm for women. Erectile Dysfunction in men. Lichen Sclerosis: a chronic skin condition of the introitus. Joint Pain. Plantar fasciitis. Rotator Cuff pain. Various tendinitis problems. Cosmetic treatments: Platelet Therapy facials Hair restoration

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